A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol is a 2009 film written and directed by Robert Zemeckis. It is an adaptation of the Charles Dickens story of the same name and the stars Jim Carey in a multitude of roles, including Ebenezer Scrooge as a young, middle - aged  and old man, and the three ghosts who haunt Scrooge.

Directed By: Robert Zemeckis

Produced By: Jack Rapke, Steve Starkey & Robert Zemeckis

Based On: A Christmas Carol by: Charles Dicken

Studio: ImagMovers Digital

Distributed By: Walt Disney Pictures

Release Date(s): November 3, 2009

                          November 6, 2009
                              (United States Of America)

Running Time: 96 Minutes

Country: United States Of America

Language: English

Budget: $175 - 200 Million

Box Office: $325,286, 646


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