The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Part 1)

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, commonly referred to as Breaking Dawn, is a 2011/2012 two-part romantic fantasy film directed by Bill Condon and based on the novel Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. The two parts form the fourth and final installment in the The Twilight Saga series. Wyck Godrey and Karen Rosenfelt serve as executive producers for the film, along with the author of the series, Stephenie Meyer; the screenplay was written by Melissa Rosenberg, the screenwriter of the first free entries. All three main cast members, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner, reprise their roles. The release was 18, November.

Directed by: Bill Condon

Produced by: Wyck Godfrey, and Stephenie Meyer

Studio: Summit Entertainment, Temple Hill, Entertainment, Sunswept Entertainment

Distributed by: Summit Entertainment

Release Date(s): Part 1
                                 November 18, 2011

Running Time: Part 1
                        117 mins

Country: United States Of America

Language: English

Budget: Part 1
         $110 Million

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